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writing manpages with sgml

in an effort to finally get my first package to my dear sponsor, i am
going through the horrors of writing a manpage. and of course i want to
do so with SGML and docbook-to-man.

i have a couple of quick questions, please try to be swift with your
answer ;_). i really tried to find online docs, but SGML and XML are
totally too complex for me to learn right now...

- how do i cross-reference? i have a manpage section INTERACTIVE MODE
  and i'd like to reference to it. how to do it properly?

- how do i indent examples? i want to list a couple of standard command
  invocations, but there's got to be a SGML environment for that. how

- how do i specify non-optional arguments in

- how do i refer to arguments in the synopsis from within the
  description text?

more to come, probably.


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
linux is like a wigwam.
no gates, no windoze, and an apache inside.

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