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Re: Linux ICQ client that doesn't suck?

also sprach Mark Ferlatte <ferlatte@cryptio.net> [2002.01.18.0056 +0100]:
> Does anyone out there use ICQ under Debian? So far I've tried licq and
> gaim with the ICQ plugin, and both of them have very annoying problems
> (messages get lost, or messages from previous sessions get delivered
> again on client startup... this is a problem when you have 20+
> messages that come in everytime you start your ICQ client).

yes, i have the same problems with licq. let's go find a new one
together, shall we? i do want a graphical one though that can stick
nicely in one corner of my windowmaker... i'd also like *no* KDE or
Gnome dependencies...

nori, wanna help?

(the following list is edited. execute the command yourself to get a
full listing).

+  -->   worth a look
*  -->   don't know
-  -->   doesn't sound good
D  -->   bad dependencies
X  -->   sucks

  fishbowl:~> apt-cache search icq
- centericq - A text-mode icq client based on ncurses
X everybuddy - An all in one messaging client
X gaim - GPL clone of AOL Instant Messenger - GTK version
D gnomeicu - Small, fast and functional clone of Mirabilis' ICQ
+ jabber - Daemon for the jabber.org Open Source Instant Messenger
D konverse - a Jabber client for KDE
* psi - jabber client using qt
- vicq - A simple, Perl-based ICQ client
- licq-ssl - ICQ clone (base files)
D gabber - A GNOME Jabber client.
D kicq - ICQ (I seek you) client for KDE
- licq - ICQ clone (base files)
- micq - text based ICQ client with many features
D gabber-ssl - A GNOME Jabber client.

i'll have a look at jabber and psi.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
man muss noch chaos in sich haben
um einen tanzenden stern zu gebaehren.
                                                          -- nietzsche

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