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Re: postfix log files

also sprach martin f krafft <madduck@madduck.net> [2002.01.16.0238 +0100]:
> will someone explain to me, how postfix's mail.log (well, it's syslogd's
> actually) gets rotated? logrotate.d or logrotate.conf have no entries,
> and `grep -r mail\.log /etc` gives no results.
> but they *are* being rotated.
> a mystery...

syslog-listfiles and /etc/cron.{weekly,daily}/sysklogd

nate did at one point address and comment on this issue. i could only
find one reference[1].

what's the rationale behind debian rotating central logfiles differently
than everything else. that's what logrotate is for. period.

currently, there's really no convenient way to have, say, mail.log
rotated daily, but auth.log rotated weekly. oh, and just to make it
nice, daemon.log monthly.

what gives???

  1. http://faqchest.dynhost.com/linux/DEBIAN/debian-01/debian-0111/debian-011105/debian01111909_16458.html

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"welcome to american airlines, sir. here's your avocado - remember to
keep it turned on and with you at all times. please turn your luggage
over to the armadillos for rootling."
                      -- http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/armadillos.txt

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