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OT: ordokrefic pidgin [was: Training]

>>>>> "martin" == martin f krafft <madduck@madduck.net> writes:


    martin> we are actually in the process of offering such
    martin> courses. could you let me know what time-frame you are
    martin> looking at, and whether it's just you, or whether you are
    martin> speaking for a group of interested people?

    martin> ach ja, und wir sind in muenchen... ulm waere gar kein
    martin> problem.

    >> Zentrale Systembetreuung Internet Plattform Fachteam
    >> Zugangsnetze
    martin>                                ^^^^ nur ein 't',

Plattfuß, Plattfisch, Plattform ;-)

(Dr.) Michael Hummel
mailto: mh@seitung.net || molino@gmx.net
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