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Re: SOLVED (and new question) - Re: Fonts aren't quite right (different problem)

dman <dsh8290@rit.edu> writes:

> So, did you learn why the lower res fonts look better?  It seems
> counter-intuitive to me.

Because "resolution" for bitmap fonts under X has nothing to do with
the real size of your screen, just with the size it was designed to be
shown at.  A font labeled as 16pt in the 100dpi font set will measure
16pts on a screen that is actually 100dpi, but will have more pixels
than a font labeled as 16pt in the 75dpi font set.

When you are using bitmap fonts, unless your screen happens to be 75dpi
and you're using the 75dpi font set, or your screen is 100dpi and
you're using the 100dpi font set, you aren't actually seeing the point
sizes you're asking for.  I personally feel it best to forget about
bitmap fonts entirely and _only_ use scalable fonts (with the small
exception of console windows, because I haven't found a scalable font
with all the graphic characters yet).

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
Skydivers go in harder.

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