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Re: debian hangs during boot (at fsck stage)

Blars Blarson wrote:
> In article <[🔎] 3BD2A198.10B038E1@tardis.ed.ac.uk> lard@tardis.ed.ac.uk writes:
> >Is there some magic way of entering text at the lilo prompt? I've tried typing
> >during the brief pause when it says LILO but no text appears and booting just
> >continues after the pause.
> The default debian lilo configuration does not prompt.  Add "prompt"
> and possbily timeout to your /etc/lilo.conf and rerun lilo.  See the
> lilo.conf man page for details.

Right, the problem is I don't have access to my system - it hangs during
so I can't rely on getting a prompt with the above method. Thanks for the info
though, it's useful.

> Acording to the lilo man page, it should be posibly to get a prompt by
> hitting shift at the proper moment.  I've never done this.

That's what I thought but I've had no luck yet.
I'll check out the man page, thanks.


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