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Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

#! On Thu, Aug 09, 2001, Matthew Sackman wrote:

>Yes, but I think the point that Cringely was making is that MS could
>deliberately cause the internet to become crippled with DDoS attacks
>with the Windows XP. So if they've already built in a new version of
>TCP/IP without telling anyone then when the internet 'crashes',
>everyone using winXP could discover that they have access to a new
>internet. With 100 million users Cisco would have to be pretty dumb
>not to move quickly to make sure a non-crippled internet was available
>otherwise who'd get the blame? Surely not Microsoft?
>I hope it won't happen.

All this stuff about raw sockets in winxp is down to Steve Gibson's one
man crusade never to be out of the news.  For a calmer look at both
Cringely and Gibson, look at this story on the Register.


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