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Re: How to detect network offline and execute script


On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, David Morris wrote:

> I know this is something I have seen somewhere (and it is probably something 
> right in front of my eyes). But I have just setup a cable modem that uses 
> dhclient to grab it's IP. Every once in a while the cable modem will flake out 
> and then it is unusable - until I sit down and either physically reboot it, or 
> (I've figured this out) release the IP and drop the NIC then reconnect the 
> card and the dhclient.
> What I want is a script I can run as a cron job (every 15 minutes or so) that 
> will check to see if the network is usable or not. If the modem has flaked out 
> on me, it will bring it down and then keep trying to bring it up until it 
> succeeds. (Oh and it would be nice to have it send me a little email telling 
> me what it did - that's not asking too much is it? :).
> Like I said, I know this has got to be somewhere, but I can't find it. Can 
> someone point to where it is laid out for me or maybe put together a little 
> script fragment that will do the checking for me?
It is really very simple. Add these lines to /etc/crontab:

0  *    * * *   root    /bin/ping -c 2 -i 5 > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/adsl restart
15 *    * * *   root    /bin/ping -c 2 -i 5 > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/adsl restart
30 *    * * *   root    /bin/ping -c 2 -i 5 > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/adsl restart
45 *    * * *   root    /bin/ping -c 2 -i 5 > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/adsl restart

where is the closest ip address and /etc/init.d/adsl is your
connection script.

The big prob is to find the proper IP address. It is not ok if you use the
IP of your modem, because Linux uses a shortcut then. I think it is quite
safe to take the first ip after your network, i.e. do a traceroute to
somewhere and write down the first ip address after your network (this is
probably your isp's). Do this with some sessions in a couple of days. If
you are sure enough that the address does not change, use that.

Also note that if you have a slow connection you have to play with the
ping respond times. Perhaps you could even setup a traceroute kind of
script in stead of ping.


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