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Re: [users] buying a computer

also sprach Faheem Mitha (on Wed, 04 Jul 2001 12:57:57PM -0400):
> The point of getting a preinstalled machine is to check that Debian works
> Ok with the hardware. It is strictly a hardware issue. As I indicated
> later in the message, I would probably reinstall at some point. Actually,
> I was considering dualbooting two systems, keeping one at stable, and the
> other fairly bleeding-edge. That way, if the bleeding-edge one got screwed
> up, I would still have a working system to use, and could more easily
> resinstall. They would share the same /home, of course.

okay. that makes sense. although i'd recommend setting up unstable
within a chroot in stable... that way you don't have to reboot, you
can use both systems simultaneously.

> What about proprietary binary-only modules designed to work only with
> Redhat? I have heard rumours of such strange beasts.

these are RPMS, and if, then there is source code. besides, alien can
translate RPMS to DEB. and since redhat and debian share the same
kernel, i doubt that there is something that *requires* redhat.

> However, I must admit I am slightly intimidated by the notion. How
> difficult is it to assemble a computer from scratch? What kind of

it's really not hard. and you have us! you buy the parts and the stick
them together. if you do so, just make sure to consult things like
linuxhardwaredatabase.com and other sites listing compatibility with
the linux kernel. and make sure to run the list of stuff to buy by
someone else -- a friend of mine built a computer and *forgot* to buy
RAM in the end...

> documentation do you need on hand? I would find it very reassuring to hear
> from people who have done this successfully with little experience. I
> would particularly be interested in knowing how difficult it is to find
> compatible components to fit together, and how much time fitting the
> pieces together actually takes.

building the machine and installing should keep you busy for at least
an afternoon. and in terms of components - if you buy good stuff (i.e.
none of that multimedia crap), it's pretty much bound to cooperate.
i'll be happy to consult with you (privately) on parts that you should

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
no cat has eight tails.
a cat has one tail more than no cat.
therefore, a cat has nine tails.

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