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Re: editing /etc/init.d

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, john gennard wrote:

> I need to edit a script in /etc/init.d to allow a program, which I
> haven't been able to get to run, to log what is happening.
> So far I've not touched this area and find the manpage for
> 'update-rc.d' a little confusing. The script to be edited is linked
> to /etc/rc0/  .... /etc/rc6/ (as defaults with runlevels and
> sequence code). Do I need to remove all of these links with -f,
> so running 'update rc.d -f xxxxxx defaults' ?
> I presume I could run the same command with -n instead of -f
> just to have a 'look-see' -but I'm wary of touching something I
> don't yet understand. In any event this seems too simple.
> Would someone be good enough to advise me.

Don't use update-rc.d

It is great for what it was intended, package maintenance scripts...
but is just an extra layer of potential confusion for the sysadmin
who just wants to stop xdm from starting in rl3 (whatever).

I customize rl's 2-4 and 7-9 with rm and ln commands, and leave rl5
alone - don't touch _one_ of rl's 2-5 and Debian will honour your
configs through upgrades.

- Bruce

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