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Re: fetchmail question

Hi Alex,

I've no solution for your problem but I remember that fetchmailconf
provides an option to leave messages on server (on a per account basis).
Perahps you sdhould try to generate a pseudo config with it just to see
what you can add.

I use also two email addresses but I really use only one because I've not
yet manage to automatically select the sender ID.
I mean, I would like with one mail reader (balsa, mutt, ...) to send a mail
to a mailing list with my second address but to a friend with my first
I think about rules (similar to procmail's one) to said send mail to this
address with this sender mail address, ...

My purpose is differant than yours, I use somtimes a IMP to remotely
consult my box but the mailing list traffic make this difficult. So I use
two distincts addresses, the primary one is easily consultable.

I imagine this is possible with sendmail but the sendmail configuration is
really difficult. So I use exim but I believe this kind of config is not
possible with it.


On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:10:12 Alex Suzuki wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm using fetchmail in a system-wide configuration, with a global
> /etc/fetchmailrc that looks like this:
> ***********
> # Ausgabe geht an Syslog daemon, erscheint in /var/log/messages
> set syslog
> set postmaster "postmaster"
> # Alle 2 Minuten wird einmal Mail geholt
> set daemon 120
> poll server1 with proto POP3	
> 	user "user1" there with password "*******" is asuzuki here
> poll server2 with proto POP3
> 	user "user2" there with password "*******" is asuzuki here
> ***********
> The first account is for my personal mail and the second is for all
> mailinglists, basically non-personal stuff. I seperated them because
> I was getting 400+ mails per day due to mailing lists, and I now
> own a laptop, which only needs to access personal mail.
> My question is how do I leave mail on server for the first account
> but download&delete it for the second one.
> When I used a single-user setup of fetchmail, I just typed fetchmail -k
> but I don't know how to tell the fetchmail daemon to do so.
> Can anybody help?
> Alex
> -- 
> Alex Suzuki ..:.. asuzuki@bluewin.ch ..:.. http://www.cynox.ch      
> GEEK code:  GCS d+(-) s a--- C+++ UL P+ L+++ !E  W++ N++ o? K?
> w-- !O !M V- PS+ !PE Y+ PGP- t+++ 5+ X@ R- tv--@ b+ DI D++ G--
> e* h-- r++ y+
> -- 
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Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer - christophe.barbe@lineo.fr
Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
phone (33). - fax (33).

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