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Re: aol

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:

> hi,
> has anyone had success using aol as an isp under linux? what i mean is that generally you can't dial into the aol servers unless you are using their special app, which unfortunately isn't for linux!

I don't know of anyone who is using AOL under Linux, though 
Gateway has a Web appliance on their Web site that is based
on Linux and uses AOL. If anyone had one of these, it might
be possible to extricate the software. 

Unfortunately, AOL isn't interested in allowing people to 
use them as an ISP unless they can also bombard them with
unwanted advertising and generally control their "Web 
experience." (At least that was my experience several years
ago when my parents used it. If it has changed since, I'm
unaware of it.) 

> any help appreciated

I know people hate it when they ask how they can use "x"
under Linux and the response is "you can't, try this instead,"
but... realistically, AOL under Linux isn't an option 
right now. (Frankly, this is a huge marketing mistake,
IMHO. AOL has been desperately trying to break the Windows
stranglehold on the desktop, but they don't actively support
alternate platforms like Linux, *BSD or BeOS.) 

If you're looking for a national ISP in the U.S. that
you can use with Linux and have dial-up support in nearly
any city, try Earthlink. My experience with Earthlink
has been excellent, I keep an Earthlink dial-up account
for going to trade shows or any other travelling. (I get
twitchy if I can't receive email for more than 6 hours...)

Whatever you do, be sure to send an email to AOL about
their lack of support - particularly if you switch 
providers. Vote with your pocketbook. Granted, if you're
the only guy who does it, they'll probably not get too
upset. But, as Arlo Guthrie says, if fifty people do it,
they might think it's a movement... :)

Take care,

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier -=- jbrockmeier@earthlink.net
http://www.ZonkerBooks.net/ -=- ICQ: 43599611
"Ever feel like nothing good was ever going to happen to you?" 
-- Christopher Moltisanti
"Yeah, and nothin' did. So what?" -- Paulie Walnuts
The Sopranos 

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