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On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> It is quite true RedHat has very good installer/config tools.  But
> upgrading is not as easy as Debian if some daemon etc get involved.  Set
> RedHat as one of the dual/triple/... boot partition like I do and
> compare configuration.  You learn a lot in some case.  Playing with
> different distribution is very good way to learn GNU/Linux.

i've been using redhat since '96, and only recently began using debian (4+
weeks and counting).  while redhat is an easier install, in the long run,
debian is far superior.  upgrades via apt-get are SO much easier, it
boggles the mind.  for example, i could /never/ get the necessary packages
installed in order to get gnucash working.  with debian, a simple apt-get,
and i was up and running.

over the next few months, i intend to upgrade the majority, if not all, of
my machines to debian.

for initial installs, redhat is superior.  once you get past the initial
stuff though, debian rules.  plain and simple, no questions asked.  5+
years of redhat experience, and after 4+ weeks with debian, i'm a convert.
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