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Re: mailboxes?

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 11:08:39PM -0400, Roderick Cummings wrote:
> I'm getting an error when checking my mail with mail. After reading the 
> mail, and exiting, it does not delete the mail, it prints out:
> Unable to lock mailbox: Permission denied
> Now if I use mutt, I can delete the message, but what is wrong with 
> mail/mailx?

They're probably trying to put a lockfile in /var/spool/mail. I
know Evolution does (which reminds me I've got to report that...)

John Lenton (john@grulic.org.ar) -- Random fortune:
A diplomat's life consists of three things: protocol, Geritol, and alcohol.
		-- Adlai Stevenson

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