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Re: Backups and the distribution

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 12:59:08PM -0700, Alex Swavely wrote:
> What file(s) would I need to backup to get a complete snapshot of all
> installed packages from the distribution I'm using in order to be able to
> recover a system to it's previous state?

What about this: (as root of course)

~# dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | cut -s -f1 >installed.deb

this greps all the pakages which are installed on your system and writes
them to installed.deb. Then open this file (with vim :)) and press
<shift>+<j> until the pakages are only seperated by a singel coloumn. Next:

~# apt-get install -d < installed.deb

this should feed apt-get with the pakages installed on your system and
*only* download them to /var/cach/apt/archievs/.
Someone please correct me in case I am completly wrong :)

thx to SebbiD

MfG/Regards, Willi

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