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Re: kernel NULL pointer

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 06:49:53PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 11:37:42PM +0200, David Jardine wrote:
> | 
> | May I ask one more stupid question?  I don't understand the
> | exact connection between kernel versions and distribution
> | versions.  I tried to upgrade from slink to potato but found
> | that the one thing I really needed (jdk) had been replaced by
> | something else (jikes and kaffe) that I couldn't get working.
> | Will I have problems if I try to install the stuff from my
> | slink CDs on my potato system?
> I think slink used libc5 which is incompatible with libc6.  You would
> need the libc5 backwards-compatibility package.
> Why is it that kaffe didn't work for you?  You might be able to get the
> jdk for potato from the blackdown people.  I have heard that IBM's jvm
> is really good.  jikes is a a good and fast compiler -- I use it at
> work.

I was just too impatient - and ignorant.  I'm very much an amateur
self-taught 'applet kiddie' programmer, and I don't know my way
around debian.  I couldn't find any classes for jikes - the
repository directory was empty and 'find / -name *classes*'
didn't turn up anything - so I imagined I'd have to go through
the hassle of downloading something from somewhere and installing
it myself somehow, which frightened me off.

However, I came across the classes jar quite by chance when looking
for kaffe documentation.  'Klasses.jar', there it was, nearly a
MB long, that must be it.  Had I missed something in the manpages
or was it obvious to a real programmer that it would be there?

Anyway, it works - and dazzlingly fast compared with jdk.

Thanks for your help.


> -D
> -- 
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