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Re: [debian-user] Warum sollte ich gerade Debian Linux kaufen?


>--[Felix Hoff]--<felix-hoff@gmx.de>

This list is English.

> ich kann mich noch nicht recht für eine Linuxdistribution entscheiden und möchte Sie daher um
> Beantwortung folgender Frage bitten:
> Warum sollte ich gerade Debian Linux kaufen? oder
> Was sind die entscheidenden Gründe für Debian Linux?

| I can't yet decide for which linux distribution to go for and would
| therefore like to ask for your help to answer the following questin: Why
| should I buy Debian Linux? or What are the deciding(?) reasons for Debian
| Linux?

First of - don't buy it, ask a friend for a copy. Linux is free, and Debian
in particular has no company behind it, in opposite to SuSE or RedHat. So
beware - there is a difference in philosophy: you'll have the next release
of Debian when it is ready, not when the PR department wants it ready. If
you want more recent packages, you have to go for unstable. Anyway. The
killer app of debian is definately it's working package management - a
simple "apt-get install mozilla" will fetch and install Mozilla for you. You
won't need to start over the installation if you want to upgrade your
distribution (try upgrading SuSE 6.2 to 7.1. It fails to install a
statically linked ash, which it needs to create it's initial ram disc, and
expects the installation to continue with YaST2 if it hasn't even installed
YaST2), and it won't clobber your configuration files if you upgrade
packages. On the other hand, if you want some sort of hardware detection,
you're lost with Debian (as of now). If you want to be held on your hands
for everything, don't go with Debian as well. In short: If you're a beginner,
go for SuSE. If after a while you feel the urge to try something different,
go for Debian.

A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
                -- Mahatma Ghandi

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