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Re: [GENERAL] Debian stable install problems

On Fri Apr 13 11:20:21 2001 Oliver Elphick wrote...
>There are certain inconsistencies here:
>You say you installed with dselect, but you are calling a program in
>/usr/local; no official Debian packages will ever touch /usr/local.
>So I conclude that you actually have a locally compiled copy of PostgreSQL
>on Debian.  That being so, it seems possible that you are running into
>problems in loading the libpq.so library.  In recent Debian releases, the
>location of the Unix socket was changed from /tmp to /var/run/postgresql, 
>and this could be why you are having problems.
>If you are using a locally compiled postgresql, you must make sure that
>there are no parts of the Debian postgresql left around to conflict with it.
>In particular, remove the package libpgsql2 (or libpgsql2.1).  If this
>causes dependency problems for other packages, you will have to make your
>own local package to satisfy those dependencies.

	Ah, we are on the track of something here.

	Let me take a moment please to explain the long and twist path that got me
	here, please. The perhaps you cna sugest how I cna dig myself out of the hole I
	seem to be in.

	It all started with wanting to use gmmusing, which uses postgresql as a
	backend. Now I intend to do a lot more with postgesql, so being aware that a
	new release with many new features (7.1) was in release Canidate stage, I first
	compiled and installed it. This wen fine.

	However gmussic wants a number of perl modules, including Pg. As I tried to get
	all of these isntalled, using the cpan module, somewhere along the way it
	sugested installng a bundle. When I did this it installed perl 5.6.1 in

	Now I had a mish mash of  Debian, and localy compiled perl and perl modules. I
	was neer able to get gmmusic to happliy relaize that all the prerequisite
	modules were installed. So finally, I removed all traces of the locally
	installed perl, and intended to remove all the traces of postgresql, and just
	use the Debina packages. I am runing "stable" so these packages are quite old,
	but I geuss they will do for now.

	So, now, sinc eyou pointed out that the debian postgresql package should not
	fereence anything in /usr/local, I have done a rm -rf /usr/local/pgsql.

	So when I su - postgress, If if typoe creatuser, it's not found. this sounds
	wrong, where will I find the Debian version?

	Also, can you sugest a way to get more current versions of things, and still
	have them fit into the Debian way of doing things?

	Thanks for the fast reply!

Stan Brown     stanb@awod.com                                    843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
	useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
	a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
	originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
	company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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