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3c905c once again.


My  name  is Andrzej Swedrzynski and I want to greet everybody on
this list as it is my first post. :-)

I've  got a problem I can not solve by myself. Please help if you
can. Recently I tried to install Debian on a new computer  (Intel
Duron  800/256MB  Ram,  3 COM 905c network card). At first I used
Debian 2.2 (first release) but I could not get  network  working.
The eth0 interface is up, IP, mask and gateway are specified, but
no packet can be send. Then I downloaded  the  ,,compact''  suite
from  debian  ftp.  The installation info states that ,,compact''
kernel has support for 3 COM 905c card compiled in.  However  no­
thing changed, the eth0 is up, but network is not working.

The hardware is good. I installed Win2k and RedHat 7.0 on the sa­
me computer and network is working on those systems.

I  searched  of course through this mailing list archive and also
archive of mailing list of 3c59x driver  (which  is  supposed  to
support  905c  card).  I found that there were more people having
similar problem. One of them told me that his card wasn't working
because  the  CPU  was  too fast. He sent me a patch which should
correct this. The patch changed the following (quote from his  e-

> Yes, I changed all of the "...Reset" commands to have a longer
> completion poll countdown.

However the file he sent me won't compile under kernel which come
with Debian Potato 2.2 distribution. I looked into the files  and
found out that 3c59x.c file from Debian kernel is last updated in
1998, but the patch has been made against the  file  modified  in
2000.  Trying to compile this file as a module results in several
compile-time errors.

Similar errors are generated when compiling the original 3Com li­
nux  driver  for  905c card (found on 3Com website). I found that
Red  Hat  7.0  uses  3Com driver for this card by default.

I  do not know where to go from here to get network working under
Debian. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advan­




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