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Unidentified subject!

I've not been able to contact 'archive.debian.org' for some days now. 
Should another host be used, what's up?? 
Lance Heller                     |         
  Network Systems                |  WorldCom         
  email: lance.heller@wcom.com   |  6929 North Lakewood Avenue
  phone: (918)590-4921           |  Tulsa, OK  74117  
  fax  : (918)590-1103           |  MailDrop: 3.1-309 

782BC3FC : ACC0 9F05 C6D9 9BC5 8B08  2E4B 73C0 A367 782B C3FC
E410DCD4 : B40C E13D 591D EE76 80EB  C2EC 9377 6C69 E410 DCD4

Attachment: pgp4ABmgiR6C7.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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