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Strange boot problems.


When I came to try and boot Linux today, I hit into a strange problem, which 
I can't really understand, and am not sure how I managed to get Linux working 
again. I apologise for the vagueness of some of the errors here.

As far as I am aware, this is what happened:

I turn the computer on, linux starts booting.

During the cleanup of /var/run,  /var/lock, etc... something goes wrong - an 
error code is returned. It fly's past the screen too fast for me to take it 
down, and I don't know if it is relevant.

Here are some other problems which occur, which are listed in the logs and 
seem relevant.

from lpr.log :

Dec 30 12:27:56 uchian lpd[440]: restarted
Dec 30 12:27:56 uchian lpd[440]: /var/run/lpd.pid: Input/output error

from kdm.log :

Fatal server error:
Can't read lock file /tmp/.X0-lock

The system goes to the console rather than to  xwindows for login.

When I logged in, and tried to startx, I got an error about 
$HOME/.Authority, and if I ran xauth, I got a problem about a lock file (in 

Now comes some strangeness.

When I tried various commands, I would get unexpected errors, usually 
relating to files in /usr/bin. For instance, I tried rebuilding the kernel, 
and it stopped with an error whilst writing the System.map file, saying that 
the sort command was not found. Rerunning 'make bzImage' a second time ran 
through the process with no errors.

Another example, was when trying to view man pages - on first attempt, I 
would get nothing but a list of error messages. By running man again, I got 
the correct man page.

Around this point, I decided to try an old 2.2 kernel, to see if it made any 
difference. I have lilo referencing /vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old, which are 
links to /boot/vmlinuz.2.4.16 and /boot/vmlinuz.2.4.12, the last two kernels 
which I used.

I deleted the vmlinuz.old link, and tried to create a new link.

# ln /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.19pre17 vmlinuz.old
ln: creating hard link `vmlinuz.old' to `/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.19pre17': Invalid 
cross-device link

I accidentally deleted the link to vmlinuz at this point, leaving me with no 
valid kernels in lilo! I couldn't remake the links that used to exist, so in 
desperation, I _copied_ the kernel image from the /boot/ sector (which is on 
a tiny separate partition) into the root directory, and named it vmlinuz.

I rerun lilo, I rebooted my computer, and up pops xwindows...
Any of my kernels work as long as I copy them to the root directory, but I 
can't link to them in /boot.

I still can't link vmlinuz and vmlinuz.old to my kernels in /boot/ and I have 
no idea why they have suddenly stopped working. I don't understand the error 
"Invalid cross-device link", and on google search I don't find many 
references to it (and none of them have anything to do with booting the 

Can anyone shed any light on what's going on with my system, and how I should 
fix it permanently?

Thanks to anyone who can help me,

Jason Wood

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