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kylix2 enterprise won't launch

I am on debian potato w/ 2.2.19pre17 kernel. 

I have patched and rebuilt /lib/libc-2.1.3.so as per Borland's suggestion.

After which ./testsystem reports..
Checking loader....OK
Checking kernel >= 2.2....OK
Checking libc >= 2.1.2....OK
Checking libjpeg >= 6.2.0....OK

Looks GOOD !!!
This system should be able to run Borland Kylix!

After which I have run ./setup.sh and succesfully installed kylix2.
After which I run startkylix
Aftet which I registered the product, splash apperas, saying 45 days remaining 
sits there and won't go away.

WHAT's WRONG? w/ ME or MY SYSTEM is the question I hope to find 
answer for.

Thanx in advance.

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