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Re: Mail cleaning script

* Sven Burgener (sburgener@objeng.ch) [Dec 18. 2001 04:09]:

> I am looking for a script that cleans out mails contained in the
> mail-files in /var/spool/mail/ that are older than a specific date, say
> 6 months, for example.

> Is there any such beast?

There may be tools that exist specifically for this purpose, but in the
spirit of this list:

grepmail can do it. You'd basically grep for messages between start-date
and "now" and direct the output to a file. Then when you're satisfied
you've got the syntax down right, write a shell script that does this at
regular intervals, for example, writes your results to a temp file, then
overwrite the mailbox with the temp file.

apt-get install grepmail

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