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Need help w/ dhcpd and shared-network option . . .

Our test lab has 4 class C address blocks assigned to it that are all on
the same wire (segment?) and we are finally getting around to installing
a dhcp server.  We have a Debian-woody (testing) server up, but when I
start it, it says:

Address range <subnet2>.201 to <subnet2>.254 not on net

and then the server exits.  Here is my dhcpd.conf (specific addresses
ommitted for security reasons):

shared-network TestLab {
	option routers <subnet4>.254;
	option ntp-servers <subnet4>.252 , <subnet4>.253;
	option domain-name-servers <subnet4>.252 , <subnet4>.253;
	option domain-name "<mydomain>";

	subnet <subnet1>.0 netmask {
		range <subnet1>.201 <subnet1>.254;
	subnet <subnet2>.0 netmask {
		range <subnet2>.201 <subnet2>.254;
	subnet <subnet3>.0 netmask {
		range <subnet3>.201 <subnet3>.254;

We statically allocate addresses 1-200 for <subnet1>, <subnet2>,
<subnet3> and all addresses in <subnet4>.  We now want to put the upper
54 addresses of the first three subnets (e.g., 201-254) in the dhcp
pool.  What am I doing wrong?  I can't find (or didn't understand) the
correct use of the shared-network block.  

I also assume the netmask part of each subnet statement is the same
netmask we set on each statically allocated machine.

Thanks for any help.


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