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Re: Rãspuns: How do you access your floppy drive?

>>>>> "Gong" == Gong Zeng <gong_zeng@yahoo.com> writes:

    Gong> However, if the swapping of floppies are far and few in
    Gong> between and okay with mounting/umounting whenever you change
    Gong> the floppy (like myself), just issue the command:

Just *never* *ever* forget and eject the floppy disk before umounting

Otherwise you are likely to encounter serious disk corruption. Even if
you do remember and put the disk back in, chances are that the kernel
has detected the illegal disk change and flushed its buffer (as
experienced first hand(!) with older kernels[1]).

(of course, if you have a computer like my old Sparc IPC, then this
shouldn't be a problem, because floppy disks are ejected by software
control, like is standard for CDROMs).

[1] yes, I knew to umount it first, but somehow I always managed to hit
the eject button on numerous occasions first...
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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