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Re: cvs security - ssh vs pserver?

* Craig Dickson <crdic@yahoo.com> [2001.11.27 15:06:00-0800]:
> That was my point. If he's going to allow passwords to cross the net in
> clear, then having passwords isn't really securing anything. Accessing
> cvs in an ssh tunnel is the way to go.

okay, sorry, then i misunderstood you.

> What Peter had said, that I was replying to, was that he didn't mind
> passwords going in clear as long as it was only cvs passwords, not shell
> login passwords. So my reaction was, if you're so unconcerned about cvs
> access, why bother putting passwords on it at all? The real point being
> not that it's okay to let the whole world have full access to your cvs,
> but that passwords should always be encrypted on the wire.

word up. that clears it up. sorry again.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
sic transit discus mundi.

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