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rtin and reseted articles counter.

I have a problem having rtin acknowledge that a server (leafnode) has 
reset the articles counter for some news group.

The server now answer to the group command with 

[15:05:23 tmp]$ telnet localhost 119
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.9.19 running at
group comp.os.linux.hardware
211 1 1 1 comp.os.linux.hardware group selected (pseudo article)

However rtin insists that there are no articles for this group.
Furthermore, it some how remembers the old counters (1-637) and even 
though I have deleted these counters from my ~/.newsrc file it keeps 
putting them back.

How can I manually (perhaps by editing some files) make rtin forgets 
the old counters (1-637)? Any other work around?


    Shaul Karl
    email: shaulka (replace these parenthesis with @) bezeqint,
           delete the comma and the white space characters and add .net

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