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Re: How to NOT start X-Windows @ Boot?

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Colin Watson wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 07:38:03AM -0500, Rafe B. wrote:
> > I need to upgrade my video card.  At present, my Debian system
> > launches into X-windows all on its own... even the login prompt is in
> > 'X'.
>   mv /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm /etc/rc2.d/s99xdm
> ... or disable it in some other way. You might be using gdm, kdm, or wdm
> instead of xdm.
On my machine, I configure runlevel 2 to be everything but X, and runlevel
5 to be everything including X.  This can be done using update-rc.d:

update-rc.d xdm start 01 5 . stop 99 0 1 2 3 4 6 .

I can change runlevels simply by issuing

root@mymachine:# telinit 2

(or telinit 5, of course).

Then I can set the default runlevel by editing /etc/inittab:

--- begin excerpt from /etc/inittab ---

# /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration.
# $Id: inittab,v 1.8 1998/05/10 10:37:50 miquels Exp $

# The default runlevel.

--- end excerpt from /etc/inittab ---

Change to


to boot into runlevel 5 instead of 2, and vice versa.

This allows me to work in text-only or full graphical mode as required.

Best regards,

George Karaolides       8, Costakis Pantelides St.,
tel:   +35 79 68 08 86                   Strovolos,
email: george@karaolides.com       Nicosia CY 2057,
web:   www.karaolides.com      Republic  of Cyprus

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