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Re: Mail retrieval / delivery

antti@tola.org wrote:

> I recommend against setting fethcmail in daemon mode. My exprience
> is that it can stop functioning after a while.  Instead run from
> cron.

My experience is that fetchmail running from a cron job sometimes hangs.
Not often, but every once in a while I notice that the only new mail I
have is a series of complaints from the cron job saying "There is a
foreground fetchmail running at XXX". Then I have to manually kill XXX
to get things going again. Kind of annoying. I've thought of making a
procmail filter to catch those messages and run a script to kill the
hung process automatically, but I've never got around to it.

I'm trying daemon mode now, with a single system-wide fetchmail handling
everyone's incoming mail. So far so good, but it's only been a few
hours. We'll see.

Now, if I want my system-wide fetchmail to run in a non-root account,
what do I have to do? I assume I should create a user named 'fetchmail'
that is a member of the mail group (is that necessary?), and has
/bin/false for its shell since no one will ever login to it. Then I
suppose /etc/fetchmailrc and /etc/defaults/fetchmail would have to be
owned by the fetchmail account so it can read them? Are there any other


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