on Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 08:23:56AM -0600, Hanasaki JiJI
(hanasaki@hanaden.com) wrote:
Bingo! Actualy a depth of 8. I have read alot of docs and tried alot
of changes to the config file and cannot get the darn thing to run at
anything other than 8bits or any resolution other than the max on
line of the screen for 8 bits. It is a 3dfx3500 TV that ran great
Potato. Any pointers on revising my config file? Connections to a
in X4? ...
Sorry, you'll have to try modelines yourself. Might google the
monitor/card combo and see what you come up with.
I've been reading this threat with great interest because I think I
ahve similar problems with my X on sid.
Here is my configuration:
and here is the result on how X looks like:
Changing the color depth to 16 gives a somhow usable X with a ca 5cm
wide flickering stripe in the middle of the screen. So I reduced
(stepwise) the values for vsnyc to 31.5-35.1 and hsync to 50-70 in my
config and this is how it looks like then:
The menues are barely readble and what ever I do I can't get rid of
the yellow color scheme.
BTW, I have a no name monitor and a CirrusLogic GD5440 or 5430. They
worked fine under XFree 3.x with the SVGA server. Any more ideas on
how to get them work with XF4?