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field width with dpkg -l

    Hey people. 

    Beyond stretching my terminal to it's maximum possible width, is there a
way to control the field width of the display from dpkg -l?

[msoulier@tigger msoulier]$ dpkg -l "netscape*" | grep ^i
ii  netscape-base- 4.77-2         Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (bas
ii  netscape-base- 4.77-2         4.77 base support for netscape
ii  netscape-java- 4.77-2         Netscape Java support for version 4.77

    It's cutting off the package names. 



Michael P. Soulier <michael.soulier@home.com>, GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix

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