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Re: X/testing crappy?

* dman <dsh8290@rit.edu> [2001.10.28 11:57:47-0500]:
> Isn't this awesome? <wink>  In bash you can type "set -o vi" or
> "set -o emacs" to change the readline mode.  The default is emacs.
> This could be set in ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile or /etc/bash.bashrc.
> Alternatively check ~/.inputrc and /etc/inputrc.  I have
> "set editing-mode vi" in /etc/inputrc.

i knew that. and even though i am a vi-only user [1], i do prefer
emacs on the shell line.

thanks though

[1] had a course the other day, ended up teaching advanced TCP/IP to
four dudes running linux more or less for the first time. they wanted
to though. but as i said 'well, go edit /etc/resolv.conf' i could read
on their faces the look of helplessness, and i could feel a hard hit
as i realized that *all* i ever knew about editors was vi. call me
stupid, but i couldn't even save/quit joe... anyway, now they know vi

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
first snow, then silence.
this thousand dollar screen dies
so beautifully.

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