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Re: Sudo and sudoers file

--- Lindsey Simon <lsimon@auschron.com> (2001-10-26 00:00):
> In the bottom of /etc/sudoers I have
> Defaults timestamp_timeout=0
> Defaults passwd_timeout=1
> Defaults tty_tickets
> Defaults authenticate
> But I can still logout and back in without retyping my passwd and similarly I can
> exit the shell and log back in on the same tty and sudo zsh without a passwd. Anyone
> know why sudo doesn't like me changing these defaults?

AFAIK, if you're a member of the sudo group, you don't need to
authenticate to use sudo.  Check if you're a member of that group with
the "groups" command.

Otherwise, you may have a NOPASSWD tag in one of your sudo rules, which
should override the default of authenticate.


Sean Quinlan (smq@gmx.co.uk)

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