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Re: Woody & security

On Thu, 2001-10-25 at 23:28, vdemart@supereva.it wrote:
> Using potato I downloaded security fixes by means of this line
inserted in my sources.list:
> deb http://security.debian.org/ potato/updates main contrib non-free 

Add this line as well:

deb http://security.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free

And leave both lines in your sources.list even if you are using woody
(Why? Because for example you may have Netscape 4.xx installed).

> Now, under woody (not testing but woody) I wonder if there's something

I always talk of stable, testing and unstable. Currently potato is
stable, woody is testing and sid is unstable. If you use the format I
used above your sources.list won't be out of date when woody becomes

> (I tried changing the word potato in the line just mentioned into
woody but it looks as though those directories don't exist at all).
> How can I deal with security under woody?

By keeping up-to-date and watching for security notices (e.g. read Linux
Weekly News (www.lwn.net and www.lwn.net/daily).

Only Debian stable has security releases. Developers do release security
fixes for testing and unstable but they are not distinguished in any
way--they're just normal packages for downloading.

Testing is probably less secure than unstable because it can take quite
a while for new packages to get into the testing tree.

If there is a distinction between testing and woody could someone please
let me know. I thought there were three Debian tracks. Perhaps there are
four when a new release is imminent?


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