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Re: Mozilla 0.9.5, font sizes

> >     http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle/test_css.html
> This is how the above example URL looks on my mozilla nightly build
> (from yesterday) on woody:
> http://home.jam.rr.com/dvb/css_font.jpg

Thanks.  I've installed 0.9.5-1 on more than one sid machine and the
font sizes aren't correct regardless of what my font preferences are
(Serif / Sans Serif, display resolution, specific fonts, etc.).  When I
download the binary package directly from mozilla.org, the page above
displays correctly.

This makes me think there is something going on in the Debian package.
Either an interaction with some other package on my system (that
doesn't show up when I use the binary directly from mozilla.org)
or something wrong with the package itself.  Since other folks with
Debian systems are getting the correct output, I'm a bit confused as
to where to look for a cause / solution.

I'm 'apt-get source --build'-ing it right now.  We'll see if that makes
any difference.

I'd like to get it to work.  0.9.5 has tabbed windows (something
skipstone has had for awhile) and I like that.  Printing seems to have
been goofed up with 0.9.5, though.  It had been working great up until

Christopher S. Swingley             phone: 907-474-2689
Computer / Network Manager          email: cswingle@iarc.uaf.edu
IARC -- Frontier Program            GPG and PGP keys at my web page:
University of Alaska Fairbanks      www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

 "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
  safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin

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