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Re: Regarding /tmp

* Jeffrey W. Baker (jwbaker@acm.org) [010922 11:01]:
> Hey, don't delete my fucking work, just because I happen to have put it in
> /tmp.  /tmp means "temporary", it doesn't mean "delete upon reboot".  If
> you want that, how about "/gets-deleted-at-reboot".  DUH.  /tmp on Linux
> is not some stupid communist shit-licking in-memory filesystem like it is
> on Solaris.  And if I find the fuckbag who wrote the script that delted my
> work, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

Come now, this is a family show. Take a deep breath and remember that
this is a free project, and a community project. If you don't like it,
you're welcome to leave the community at any time. It would also be
greatly appreciated if you'd read and understand the parts of the
project you don't like (and the output of `dict temporary`) before you
shoot your mouth off to a bunch of innocent volunteers. And of course,
this being a free project: if you don't like it, change it. This sort of
complaining will get you nowhere but killfiled.

:0 h
* ^From .*jwbaker@acm.org

, for anybody interested. Please note that this recipe is given entirely
without warranty, and if it doesn't do what you want it to do, don't
come crying back to me. Especially don't come crying back to anyone else
who happens to enjoy its use.

I sincerely hope the sarcasm is not lost on you, sir.

Vineet                                   http://www.anti-dmca.org
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