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Re: bash prompt

On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 06:33:09PM -0400, Timothy H. Keitt wrote:
| Quick question: the following bash prompt puts the current machine name 
| in the xterm (gnome-terminal) title bar, but also causes long lines to 
| wrap incorrectly.  Instead of moving down a line, the wrap over-writes 
| the existing line of text.  Anyone have a solution? Here's the prompt 
| string:
| 	\e]0;\h\007\u@\h:\w\$

Hmm, I don't see where you have a line wrap here.  I do know that (at
least with some terminals, etc) a "line wrap" is achieved by printing
both a CR and NL (similar to what typewriters used to do).  I have a
multi-line bash prompt like thus :

# set the prompt
\u@\h [\!]\\$ "

I simply include the lines in the string in my .bashrc.


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