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Re: OT: vim syntax highlight on C program files only?

"Karsten M. Self" wrote:
> I'm starting to play with C a bit.  Discovering some nice things in vim.
> I know that there's an 'au' and 'augroup' commands, and that a number of
> vim settings can be configured using these.  I'm not sure what current
> settings exist for C program files (matching pattern *.c), or how I
> should use these settings to enable appropriate settings for programming
> support.

  if you install vim-rt the syntax highlighting should work on most


syntax on

  into your ~/.vimrc

> In particular, I'd like to enable syntax highlighting, and maybe get
> some ideas of what I should change to make things a bit more readable
> (some of my screen colors are very hard to read, particularly blue, also
> red, bolding them should help a lot).

  the gvim (opens vim in its own window) has much better colors since it
is not limited to few colors that xterm uses (by default).

  also, set up your background (light or dark):

set background=dark


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