Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)
On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 08:32:40PM -0400, wrote:
> In linux.debian.user, you wrote:
> > hello:
> >
> > i have managed to insert a bullet in my poda courtesy of tar and my
> > ineptness! that is, i did:
> >
> > tar -cvIf --remove-files /tmp/ /opt/tmp
> >
> > silly me filled up my current directory with a file called "--remove-files".
> > my question is: how the heck to i get rid of this beast????
> >
> > i've tried
> > rm -f "--remove-files"
> > rm -f '--remove-files'
> > rm -f "\\-\\-remove\\-files"
> > rm -f "\-\-remove\-files"
> > rm -f '\\-\\-remove\\-files'
> > rm -f '\-\-remove\-files'
> >
> > all with the same lack of success!
> >
> > any assist in this would be most appreciated.
> >
> > --
> > regards,
> > allen wayne best
> Another way to remove it would be to go to the directory and run 'mc'
> (midnight commander) Highlight the offending file and do F8.
> Anita
This is amazing :)
Someone ought to write a HOWTO on this.
"How to remove files with problematic filenames"
The "--" feature is obviously the *right* way, but the least
There are other little challenges for the reader.
Create a file whose name is "backspace" or has a clear screen
sequence as it's name and try to delete it, using "rm -i" is cheating.
Remember the only disallowed characters in a filename are NULL
and "/"
Keep on rocking
> --
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