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where are include files?

I know this may be a stupid question but where are the standard include
files? I've done an apt-get of gcc. I *used* to be able to compile
things. But I can't even compile 'hello world' now. It can't find
stdio.h. I can't compile a kernel because 'make menuconfig' doesn't work.

What have I screwed up? I've got mostly potato with some testing.

And why do the political parties aspire to take over the direction
of education? Because they know the saying of Leibnitz: "Make me
the master of Education by governmental power, and I will
undertake to change the world". Education by governmental power,
then, is education by a political party, by a sect momentarily
triumphant; it is education on behalf of one idea, of one system,
to the exclusion of all others.
	-- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
    Rick Pasotto    rickp@telocity.com    http://www.niof.net

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