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Re: cvs permissions

also sprach Andrew Agno (on Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:55:21PM -0700):
> Why don't you create a group who does have write access to the /etc
> files?

because that wouldn't fix my problem, and because it would create more
problems. take these two files:

fishbowl:~> ls -l /etc/{passwd,wvdial.conf}
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1249 Jul  7 21:46 /etc/passwd
-rw-r-----    1 root     dialout       191 Jun 14 16:02 /etc/wvdial.conf

if i cvs checked these out, they'd both be root.root and both have
either 0644 or 0640 permissions, because the cvs checkout creates
these files within /etc according to $CVSUMASK - i.e. all files the
same permissions. clearly, that's not appropriate for /etc/*.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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