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Re: new to debian have questions

Jeremy Gaddis wrote:

I use Outlook because I find it to be better than
any piece of shit MUA that I can run on Linux.  I
happen to find Linux rather lacking when it comes
to the desktop arena and when I actually have to
do work instead of playing, I need something that
works.  Windows NT (and Outlook, when it comes to
e-mail) happen to fit that bill quite well.

For my servers, yes, they're all running Debian.
On the desktop, though, I need *real* applications
that allow me to actually accomplish things.

I really couldn't care less what broken email client you choose to run. That's your choice. My only pet peeve which the MS mail clients are their horrible default settings for the attribution and quoting that muck up the threads in a discussion list like this one.

That said, I tend to be highly suspicious of anyone that posts email to this list with a MS mail client. It's one thing for a newbie that's having installation trouble with Debian, but it likely shows ignorance for a so-called experienced Linux user. You would be hard-pressed to find another person on this list that thought MS mail products are superior to Unix ones.

Joost is one of the most knowledgable people on this list, and you basically said he was wrong. I thought that was pretty ignorant, and not surprising from someone who used MS products. With your reply, you just proved my point nicely.

Brian Nelson <nelson@bignachos.com>

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