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Re: mozilla-0.9.1 not as good as mozilla-0.8.1

Brendon Simon wrote:
> Hi,
> I have manually installed versions of mozilla on my PowerPC laptop. 
>  Version 0.8.1 worked fine with my internet banking and other java web 
> sites.  I was so pleased to see Mozilla-0.9.1 in the testing 
> distribution and promptly did an upgrade.  I now can not access any of 
> my banking.  I'm not sure if Mozilla-0.9.2 will fix this.  I hope so.
> Any idea when Mozilla-0.9.2 or fixes to Mozilla-0.9.1 will be available 
> in testing or unstable ???
> Any ideas on how to get java stuff working properly with the existing 
> Mozilla-0.9.1 ???
> Thanks,
> Brendan Simon.


While I don't have a PowerPC, I DO have some recent (unfortunate)
experience with installing Mozilla-0.9.1  from the current "unstable"
tree on a DEC ALPHA machine here.  I had some problems getting it going
initially, and once I had it going my first visit to my Bank caused a
"smartupdate" to Java2 from the Netscape d/l center which promptly
caused Mozilla to start displaying an error message about "You must
close the program to complete a previous installation.  Please
restart"!  Every time I restarted Mozilla after that, I got the same
error message.  

The errors on initial installation were Java-Script related too, but I
could correct them with an edit in the Debian "postinstall" file.  The
offending lines called "/usr/bin/regxpcom" and "/usr/bin/regchrome". 
The first is a Javascript file that would exit with a "Illegal
operation" on my ALPHA and prevent final configuration.  It exists in
both the Mozilla-browser and in Mozilla-mailnews packages.  Commenting
out these two lines in the postinstall script and then running them
manually after configuration from a terminal window allowed the install
to complete for each package, and the Mozilla browser to work.

My "theory" is that the the problem lies in my machine's ability to
handle JavaScript files correctly.  I didn't have any sort of JAVA
installed prior to the attempt to install Mozilla.  The "smartupdate"
feature downloaded and installed an Java2-i386 package to my ALPHA
machine, which then wouldn't run.  You will probably have to provide
your own Java2 support for the PowerPC....dunno.

I am in the process of trying to get a Java2 install here specific for
the ALPHA and see if that corrects the "problem".  Unfortunately, there
are NOT too many options available....one "RPM" package from Compaq,
which was compiled on THEIR (Compaq's) ALPHA compiler.  Unless you have
access to Java2 "Deb" package for the PowerPC in "unstable", you will
probably have to do the same as I.  Unfortunately, non-i386 arch's are
not as current across the board as the Intel brances are....

HTH & Cheers,
-Don Spoon-

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