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Re: kernel compilation error

"J.A.Serralheiro" <mrserra@ci.uc.pt> wrote:
>hi. I already posted a question, but got any replies.

You did. I've cc'ed you directly this time; you might want to check the
web archives at http://lists.debian.org/ if you aren't subscribed to
debian-user, as the convention here is usually to send replies only to
the mailing list.

>Once I had a power fail, and on reboot, there were some errors. So, after
>fsck some files in /lib were missing. 
>Now im trying to compile kernel 2.4.5 and in keep getting errors
>about undefined labels, and unknown variables and things like that.

My previous reply was:

| Reinstall libc6 and libc6-dev, and so on? Can't help more without some
| real error messages ...
|   # apt-get --reinstall install libc6 libc6-dev

And Joost Kooij followed up to that with:

| And if that does not work, try "make mrproper" in the top-level kernel
| source directory.  It is just a wild stab, but the combination of "I'm
| using arch-specific options to rebuild my kernel" and "I get these weird
| errors about undeclared variables" somehow strikes a bell with me.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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