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Re: [users] Re: How to create a local archive of debian ftp ?

i don't think i quite followed the thread, but depending on your
needs, apt-proxy or rsync will suit your needs just fine too.

apt-proxy is great for a small network of debians as it caches
packages on-demand. it's a proxy, but as far as i know, it's
persistent, so even if your roommate apt-got the e.g. lm-sensors
package two years ago (and it hasn't been updates, let's just assume
that), then it'll still be on the proxy. so the size of packages
cached on the proxy is non-decreasing...

rsyncing (what i do) will mirror the entire source tree for all
architectures. i only need i386 and powerpc, so i excluded all the
other fancy ones. if you are interested, i'll slip you my script.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
you will be run over by a beer truck.

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