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Re: process w/o attached tty?

Tom Massey wrote:

> Depends on how you close the Eterm - if you close it
> by clicking on the close button of the window it's in,
> yes you're right. But if you exit from the shell with
> a <Ctrl-D> or 'exit' the Eterm closes and leaves
> backgrounded processes running. And I don't like
> messages vanishing into nohup.out instead of being
> displayed... :-)

Instead of nohup, I prefer (under bash):

( do_it <./do_it.in >./do_it.out 2>./do_it.err & )

After spawning do_it as a background task w/o terminal
I/O, the parent subshell exits, returning control to the
bash login shell and orphaning the do_it process, which is
adopted by process 1 (init).  Now do_it will continue to
run if you logout, but you can still stop it from any
process you own using kill -1 pid.  If you want to watch
its output, use tail -f.

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