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Re: IPMasqing finale

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 08:05:20AM -0700, Stephen Handley wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all thanks Will for the help. It turned out I had everything set up
> correctly and had for quite some time. The problem was a CLOGGED (for want
> of a better word) DSL modem. However, it wasn't clogged enough to prevent me
> accessing the outside from my Linux box, just the Windows machine. After
> power cycling the modem ... Bob's your uncle ... everything worked.
> Well almost everything.
> I plugged a second machine into the network and gave it the next IP address
> in the series 
> however I can't talk to the Linux box. The most I can do is ping the other
> masqd machine. 
> Apart from the different IP address, the network settings are exactly the
> same as the first Windows machine.
> Any ideas?

i presume you're using a hub with standard ethernet cabling...

not sure what to try next (this ain't my forte). there's "nmap"
which can check for activity on a subnet:

$ nmap --help
nmap: invalid option -- -
nmap V. 2.12 usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] <host or net #1 ... [#N]>
Hostnames specified as internet hostname or IP address.  Optional '/mask' specifies subnet. For example:  cert.org/24 or or or '128.88.209.*' all scan CERT's Class C.

$ nmap

Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (fyodor@dhp.com, www.insecure.org/nmap/)
Interesting ports on linus (
Port    State       Protocol  Service
9       open        tcp        discard         
22      open        tcp        ssh             
25      open        tcp        smtp            
53      open        tcp        domain          
110     open        tcp        pop-3           
113     open        tcp        auth            

Interesting ports on duo (
Port    State       Protocol  Service
9       open        tcp        discard         
22      open        tcp        ssh             
25      open        tcp        smtp            
548     open        tcp        afpovertcp      
3306    open        tcp        mysql           
5432    open        tcp        postgres        

Nmap run completed -- 5 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 1 second

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #38 from Alvin Oga <aoga@Mail.Linux-Consulting.com> 
Curious about your NETWORK TRAFFIC? There's a whole bunch of
ways to monitor it: iptraf, showtraf, netwatch, tcpview, statnet,
	tcpdump | grep 'what you want to see'
	lsof -i | grep 'LISTEN'
For network statistics try "mrtg". See the ethernet section
over at http://www.Linux-Sec.net/

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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