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ntpdate on two machines: all the details included this time around


I have an ntpdate/date problem.

I originally posted this question through my friend that has recently converted me into a Debian user.I am now subscribed to the list. 

I am running ntpdate as a cron job on 2 different machines. The time is not being stored correctly on 1 of the 2 machines. I have the same cronjob on both machines.

crontab -l
30 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate -b tock.cs.unlv.edu >> /var/log/ntpdate; hwclock --systohc

The Time-zone is the same on both machines:

tjk@annapolislinux:~$ cat /etc/timezone 

tjk@laptop:~$ cat /etc/timezone

The UTC date displays the same on both machines.

tjk@annapolislinux:~$ date -u
Wed Jun 20 16:50:48 UTC 2001

tjk@laptop:~$ date -u
Wed Jun 20 16:50:48 UTC 2001

Isolating the problem:

tjk@annapolislinux:~$ date -R
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:52:25 -0500

tjk@laptop:~$ date -R 
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:52:25 -0400

I tried doing a hack about this doesn't fix it.
TZ='EST+4'; export TZ

I also tired 
date -R --set "Wed, 20 June 11:59:00 2001 -0400"
The screen flashed off for about .33 seconds, but the -500 stayed.

date -R
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:59:05 -0500

#am I root?

#this can't be a kernel problem
#both machines are using the same kernel
uname -a
debian 2.2.19 #1

Any ideas?


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