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Re: I simply don't understand

On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 10:14:48AM +0000, Vittorio wrote:
> Later on, while rebooting the system, a hard-disk error popped up
> (before mounting the filesystem) halting the PC irremediably;
> rebooting again, debian, shifting to single user, warned that the
> filesystem had to be fsck'ed. I did it so answering 'yes' to the many
> requests of fixing the corrupted clusters.
> This is the reason why in the messed up /etc/motd (many thanks to
> Aquila who privately gave me the right hint!) I now find this strange
> message.
> Now my question is:
> Where, in what package can I find the correct /etc/motd file?

apropos motd
apt-cache search motd
dpkg -S motd

/etc/motd is dumped to stdout when a user logs in.
there are some processes (during system boot? maybe?)
that add the standard

	Linux server 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i586 unknown

line at the top of the file, so you might want to leave some
blank \n at the top...

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Is there a good place to learn snarky PERL TECHNIQUES? One of
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code does, and why. (Look under "Programming with Perl" in the

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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