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I was upgrading my woody setup on my box that does the connecting to the
internet through my adsl modem, and I can no longer connect to the modem.

Here is what happened (as best I can remember, yesterday was a badddd day).
I was trying to install some additional packages over the weekend that I
needed on this box.  I ended having to update the packages list  When I
tried to reinstall the package (I might have done an apt-get update, but I
don't think so), some of the ppp packages were upgraded.  Well, after the
install/upgrade, things were fine, and I was still connected to the
internet.  However, yesturday I was working on getting a window a/c unit
connected and when I had it plugged into an outlet it eneded up being on
the same circiut as the computers and blew the circuit.  Well, when the
computers came back up, pppoe was not working.

Here are the errors:

Jun 10 12:22:05 debian-wall pppd[193]: /usr/lib/pppd/plugins/pppoe.so: undefined
 symbol: recv_config_hook
Jun 10 12:22:05 debian-wall pppd[193]: Couldn't load plugin /usr/lib/pppd/plugin
Jun 10 12:22:05 debian-wall adsl-connect: ADSL connection lost; attempting re-co

So, I am writing this from work and need to know what I should do to fix this problem when I get home.  The system is woody with a 2.4.3 kernel.  What
 packages/programs should I download to try and take home?  I am limited on what I can do since I only have a couple of floppies.  However, I think
that this should be plenty of space.

Thanks for any help,


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